Moranifesto inspires 6th formers on International Women’s Day - Sydenham High School

Moranifesto inspires 6th formers on International Women’s Day


Sydenham High sixth formers were told that they are the ‘resource to make the world different’ by feminist author Caitlin Moran, in a talk to mark International Women’s Day at the Southbank Centre.

During the talk for the WOW – Women of the World – Festival, the outspoken writer and broadcaster explained that it was the second dictionary definition of ‘revolution’ that she aspired to: ‘metamorphosis and upgrading’ – which was at the heart of her ‘Moranifesto’.

Moran believes that every person should have a personal political manifesto in which self-belief is paramount. Girls’ self-esteem therefore featured heavily in her talk and she told the audience how important it was for a girl to learn the skill of accepting compliments. Compliments are ‘nutritious’ so if you enjoy them they will give you the strength to reach further. Confidence ‘oils’ your movements.

Sixth formers Isabel, Āine and Jess were particularly engaged by the on stage discussion section when Caitlin Moran was joined onstage by two inspiring 18-year old girls: one who had successfully changed an education policy in Parliament and the other who is a prominent spoken word poet.  “They discussed the challenges faced by young girls growing up today, as well as how we can take advantage of our opportunities. They read extracts from Moran’s manifesto as well as encouraging the audience to let out their frustrations by screaming in a collective manner. The interview itself contained many witty anecdotes and inspired us all to never forget our power as young women and to read more of her books!”

Sydenham High teacher Ms Rose who accompanied the students said: “My favourite quote from the day has to be: ‘you deserve to take space’. If every girl believed this statement, just imagine the world we would live in today!”

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