Year 9s visit the Globe Theatre - Sydenham High School

Year 9s visit the Globe Theatre


On Friday 13 March, before the lockdown was initiated, all of Year 9 went to see ‘Macbeth’ at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. The production focused on the idea that ‘power corrupts’ and used the political uncertainty within the plot to encourage students to reflect on what constitutes good (or bad) leadership.

The heckling and enthusiasm of the groundlings created a truly Jacobean atmosphere as well as highlighting the tendency for political leaders to play to the crowd.  The company made several interesting choices with regards to characterisation, such as Prince Malcolm who was portrayed as a nervous school boy and Lady Macbeth who was depicted as heavily pregnant.

These choices raised questions about the text which students were keen to discuss on the coach trip back, excitedly debating who their favourite characters were and what decisions they might have made differently.  Thank you to Ms Elliot and all of the teachers who came for an interesting and edifying trip.

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