Our PSA is one of the best ways that parents can get involved in our thriving school community.
The role of a PSA is primarily to help raise money to support school charities or to improve the school environment and Sydenham’s PSA is no exception. Over the years Sydenham High’s PSA has raised thousands of pounds to be spent on a huge array of equipment for both the Prep and Senior schools.
Whether for a new minibus, theatrical lighting or extra equipment in our Design Technology workshops, our PSA funds provide a vital pot of money to help improve the school. Ideas for how this money is spent come from both the parents and the children and all ideas, big and small, are always welcome.
While the school obviously provides all the essential equipment, the PSA can accelerate the ‘love to have’ items that the school or the GDST may not be able to provide in the short term.
The PSA is, however, more than a fundraising body as it provides a social framework for the parents, staff and students.
The PSA runs three key events over the course of the school year: the Frost Fair, the hugely popular Quiz Night, and the Summer Fair. These events are organised by parent volunteers along with the support of school staff and students who willingly give up their valuable time and energy to make them a success.
The success of the PSA relies very much on the involvement of Prep and Senior school parents and their willingness to step up and respond to the requests for assistance in the run up to the events. The PSA is always looking for parent volunteers, whether it is to be a representative for your daughter’s year or to assist in the event preparations and delivery.
For further information about the PSA please visit the PSA section on Firefly.
The PSA welcomes any questions and comments from parents and can be contacted via
PSA Officers 2023-24
Co-Chairs: Ana Marin and James Merrett
For current parents, more information about our PSA and forthcoming events can be found on Classlist.
Sydenham High School PSA is a registered charity – charity number: 116887. Click here to view their certificate
Great news!
We’ve registered with easyfundraising, it’s a great site where you can help Sydenham High School PSA raise funds simply by doing your everyday online shopping! Over 4,000 big name retailers are included, such as Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, eBay, Boden and M&S.
Every time you shop, we receive a small donation to say ‘thank you!’ It’s completely free for you and over £29M has been raised for causes just like us so far.
We want to raise as much as possible so please sign up and help us at Easyfundraising.org.uk.