Senior School Preparation - Sydenham High School

Senior School Preparation

Our daughter had a magical time at Prep School thanks to the remarkable staff, leadership, opportunities and friends she has made. She has truly flourished and we have you to thank for this.

– Parent

Prep School


The Early Years Foundation Stage is fundamental in instilling positive dispositions towards learning. During the Reception year, children will play and explore; make choices and learn to try things and persevere in their efforts; be creative and solve problems; form good relationships; be safe, secure and happy.

Pre-Prep, Reception – Year 2
Prep, Years 3 – 6
Senior School Preparation

Prep School


By the start of Year 3, our pupils are developing as confident, independent learners. As they progress, our girls become more accustomed to specialist teaching as this provision is further extended to Art, Design & Technology, and Latin.

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