Dulwich College joins year 5 for day of debating - Sydenham High School

Dulwich College joins year 5 for day of debating


The Junior School had more students on board than usual last week when 60 boys from year 5 at Dulwich College joined the girls for a morning of debating.

Sydenham High Junior School students worked alongside the Debating Club to take part in a model debate followed by a series of debating workshops. The motions debated included:

“This House believes the voting age should be lowered to 16.”

“This House believes all police officers should carry guns.”

“This House believes Elizabeth II should be our last monarch.”

The debates were strongly argued from both sides and all concerned gained a great deal from the experience of competitive debating with a new group of people.

The morning finished with everyone having lunch together in the Senior School Orangery.

Feedback on the day from everyone involved was very positive and the school looks forward to . working with Dulwich College Junior School again very soon.

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