Autumn theme for the Big Draw workshop led by Sixth Form art scholar - Sydenham High School

Autumn theme for the Big Draw workshop led by Sixth Form art scholar


Sydenham High Art club opened its doors to the Big Draw on Friday 13 October to inspire students to produce a vast array of superb creative pieces.

The Big Draw is an annual national campaign for drawing in all environments which runs for a month each Autumn in which thousands of schools  sign up to run a themed event. Although initiated in the UK, events now take place worldwide and last year there were events in 26 countries

For Sydenham High’s celebration, Laura Bowder Ridger, Sixth Form Art Scholar, led a workshop where pupils from a range of year groups made a series of original and stunning ‘leaves’ for an Art Tree.

Participants were able to respond in whichever media they preferred, and the results showed a wide range of creative images – textures, collage, Autumn scenes and patterns were just a few of their ideas.

A major display of all the artworks is being put up in the Senior School.

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