Vertical Tutoring Programme produces results - Sydenham High School

Vertical Tutoring Programme produces results


Vertical Tutoring was set up as part of the Houses system, to bring pupils together from across all year groups to promote community, teamwork and inter-year socialising.  During the sessions, pupils have been challenged with various creative and problem solving tasks which have required them to work together to achieve a goal.

These have included producing an advert promoting an Eco product, and, most recently, upcycling everyday items to produce new accessories, such as handbags made from old jeans, necklaces from discarded shredded paper and hair scrunchies and fascinators from worn out clothes.

Having previously collected the materials, this week their upcycled accessories were completed and handed in. While the individual winners have not yet been announced, I can reveal that Shirreff House won overall, and the winning accessories will be on display in school. There will be two more Vertical Tutoring sessions taking place next month, this time encouraging pupils to work on their problem solving skills.

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