Year 10 Summer Fair - Sydenham High School

Year 10 Summer Fair


Today, Year 10 JBL hosted an energetic summer fair during lunchtime, attracting a large crowd of enthusiastic participants. With over 150 pupils in attendance, each £5 donation to the British Red Cross entitled them to enjoy activities like ‘Request a Song’, ‘Ring Toss’, and ‘Pamper Stall’ and more. The event was filled with laughter and energy, providing a delightful conclusion to the week.

The outreach programme organised by Year 10 not only united the school community but also provided significant pastoral advantages for the pupils involved. Through active participation in planning and executing these events, pupils develop essential life skills that contribute to their personal and social development.

Organising these events fosters a sense of responsibility and accountability among pupils, as they learn to manage time effectively and communicate efficiently with peers and teachers. Additionally, the collaborative nature of these projects encourages teamwork and cooperation, building strong relationships and developing crucial interpersonal skills such as leadership and conflict resolution.

Furthermore, organising these events allows pupils to develop empathy and compassion as they engage with peers and the wider community. By raising funds for worthy causes and organising activities that bring joy and unity to the school community, pupils learn the importance of giving back and making a positive impact on the lives of others, contributing to a culture of kindness within the school.

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